Vatican City, 29 February 2016 (VIS) – Today the Holy Father met separately with:
- three prelates from the Puerto Rican Episcopal Conference: Archbishop Roberto Octavio Gonzalez Nieves, O.F.M., of San Juan de Puerto Rico, president, accompanied by Bishop Alvaro Corrada del Rio, S.J., of Tyler, vice president, and by Bishop Eusebio Ramos Morales of Fajardo-Humacao, secretary general.
- Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, archbishop emeritus of Washington, USA,
- Bishop Paul Tighe, adjunct secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture with members of his family, and
- Cardinal George Pell, prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy.
On Saturday 27 February the Holy Father received in audience:
- Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, and
- Bishop Carlos Jose Tissera of Quilmes, Argentina.
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