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Vatican City, 17 February 2016 (VIS) – The Holy Father has appointed Fr. Felice Accrocca of the clergy of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, Italy, as metropolitan archbishop of Benevento (area 1,691, population 273,700, Catholics 271,700, priests 207, permanent deacons 53, religious 315), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in Cori, Italy in 1959 and was ordained a priest in 1986. He holds a degree in letters from the "La Sapienza" University of Rome and a doctorate in ecclesiastical history from the Pontifical Gregorian University. He has served in a number of pastoral and administrative roles, including deputy priest, parish priest, moderator of the curia, diocesan assistant for Catholic Action, and secretary of the diocesan synod. He is currently director of the "Paolo VI" diocesan school of theology, episcopal vicar for diocesan pastoral ministry, parish priest and parish administrator. He is also lecturer in medieval Church history at the Pontifical Gregorian University. He succeeds Archbishop Andrea Mugione, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same metropolitan archdiocese upon reaching the age limit was accepted by the Holy Father.
