Vatican City, 7 February 2016 (VIS) – Following today's Angelus prayer, Pope Francis reiterated his concern regarding the tragic fate of civilian populations affected by the heavy fighting in Syria and compelled to abandon their homelands to escape the horrors of war. "I hope that, with generous solidarity, the necessary help may be given to ensure their survival and dignity, and I appeal to the international community to spare no effort in urgently bringing the parties involved to the negotiating table. Only a political solution to the conflict may guarantee a future of reconciliation and peace for this beloved and afflicted country, for which I urge you to pray".
After praying a Hail Mary for Syria with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father mentioned that today in Italy is the Day for Life, on the theme “Mercy makes life bloom.” "I join the Italian bishops in wishing, on the part of various educational and social institutions, for renewed commitment in favour of human life from conception to natural end. Our society must be helped to heal from all attacks on life, and to dare to change within, which is also shown through the works of mercy".
"Tomorrow, we celebrate the Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking, which offers everyone the opportunity to help today's new slaves break the heavy chains of exploitation and to regain their freedom and dignity. I think in particular of the many women and children, the many men. We must make every effort to combat this crime, and this intolerable shame".
Tomorrow, Monday, in the Far East and in various parts of the world, millions of men and women celebrate the Lunar New Year. The Pope conveyed his wish that all may experience "serenity and peace within their families, the first place where we encounter the values of love and brotherhood, coexistence and sharing, attention and care for others. May the New Year bring the fruits of compassion, mercy and solidarity".
Finally, the Pope greeted the priestly community of the Mexican College of Rome, thanking them for their commitment to accompany with prayer his upcoming apostolic trip to Mexico and "the meeting that will take place in Havana with my dear brother Kirill", he concluded.
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